Summary :

In a fabric warehouse in Paris, in June 1942. The Martineau family is taking inventory. They try to continue to live, to love, to work, despite the occupation. In the streets of the capital, the Germans impose a curfew and the laws are increasingly severe for the Jews. The Martineau’s claim to be neither resistance nor collaborationists: their great “pride” is to have recovered the market of Jewish stars, which allows them to print yellow stars for all of Europe. That evening, reality bursts in on the small workshop that welcomes a Jew. The arrival of a collaborator destroys the uneventful life that the “star merchants” had been living until then. And their little story will suddenly be overtaken by the big one. It is our duty to repeat it, and to keep the flame of remembrance alive: the violence of today’s words, actions and choices will have tragic consequences tomorrow. How do we know this? Because it happened yesterday.

Where to see the show :

  • 22 May and 5 June 2023: Théâtre Actuel – La Bruyère
  • From 7 July to 29 July 2023: Théâtre des Corps Saints (Grande salle), Festival OFF d’Avignon

Author : Anthony Michineau

Director : Julien Alluguette, assisted by Blandine Guimard

Cast : Guillaume Bouchède, Nicolas Martinez, Stéphanie Caillol, Mikael Mittelstad and Anthony Michineau

Creation :

  • Set designer: Georges Vauraz
  • Poster: Florian Le Priol
  • Sound design: Yohan Roques

Partners :

  • Licra (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism)
  • André Malraux Theatre in Rueil Malmaison

Please note : educational file of the show available on request by email

Ticketing :